U Chairperson ka District Selection and Promotion Committee, East Jaiñtia Hills District, Khliehriat da pynmih hukum u heiyatoh wa kiwa pyndap pyrtuid ha ki kyrdan kreh wa lait katkam ka Advertisement No. KHLT/DSJ.68/2021/3, Dated Khliehriat, the 15th June, 2021 heiwa da em kiwa yalehkreh kiwa mih pyrtuid hapoh ka INCOMPLETE LIST.
Kini ki bru wa mih pyrtuid ha kani ka Incomplete List ye ki wow wanrah ya ki kot ki sla yong ki cha ka yung krehkaam u Chairperson ka District Selection and Promotion Committee, East Jaiñtia Hills District, Khliehriat ha namo chwa ka 23 tarik khnang wow leh yeiwa emkaam.
Kiwa ymye wow wan pyndep yeiwa emkaam daw chah kyntait ki na kani ka Exam.
Ya ka yutip wa biang ye u lai ha ka website: https://districts.ecourts.gov.in/india/meghalaya/east-jaintia-hills/recruit.