By: OR Shallam, Panaliar Jowai
Days, months and now a year has passed as mankind fought relentlessly to overcome and to contain the global pandemic that has swept vigorously from precious human life to our daily news bulletin. The second wave of the new viral strain/variant however mutates and infects almost everyone and throughout all walk of life with much more aggressive symptoms and high fatality rate if exposed or infected.
The World Health Organization along with global governments are consistently working day and night to find the cure. A heartfelt gratitude to the science fraternity for being able to come up with a vaccine in a short span of time after passing human trials and posing no/ mild side effect on human when taken.
India has emerged as a country with most numbers of cases. The second wave is sweeping through every nook and corner of the land. Despite persistent acts by the Government in issuing guidelines/protocols and imposing regulations/restrictions and even lockdown in some states to curb the spread of the virus. However, the highly contagious virus accelerates and is infecting tens of thousands and taking thousands of precious life daily. Each and every hospitals/care centers are filled with critical patients relying on life supports.
Meghalaya is also facing the crisis with increasing number of cases and fatality daily. Our state government is giving its best in overcoming and containing the infections. Almost all strategic actions have been executed in all angles of the society. From containment measures to restriction of public movements, the government along with the district administrations are fighting the battle. Despite all the sincerity and dedication of the Health Care Workers, Frontline Workers, Police and everyone associated with the situation, the virus is still infecting each one of us unknowingly.
The Question of the hour that arises now is, who is to be blame? Is it the Government who is continuously reminding its citizens to strictly and stringently follows and adhere to every guidelines? Or is it us the public who at times let our guard down taking the situation for granted. Well, in my point of view, I may say that our stupidity itself has caused us our life and the lives of others.
Vaccination programme has been notified by the government for all its residents from the age of 18 and above in every health centre nearest to us. However, we the public fail to get ourselves registered and get the shot as recommended. Some say it’s of no use as the infection can still penetrate our immunity while some say they are scared of the side effects whereas others are getting busy with passing all the false rumors/information about the vaccine dragging the simple minded people away from getting vaccinated. In market places as seen in the news/ media, we do not follow the guidelines, we do not wear our face mask at all times when we are outside, we do not avoid physical contact and we even commute daily in groups. How do we expect ourselves to be free of the virus??
As a veteran citizen I simply cannot sit and watch what have been happening around us. Yes, I am an old age person who had been vaccinated by the vaccine. I felt mild and almost no side effects. However, the vaccine builds my inner confidence and enhances my spiritual immunity and resistant towards the virus. I appeal to all my beloved citizens of the state to get ourselves vaccinated, wear our face masks at all times, lets stay for at least 6 feet away from each other and exercise social distancing at its best. Let us teach and learn from each other by following government guidelines and protocols at all times and all places. We are the solution to the infection. We can break the chain of infection if we all stay united in fighting the virus.
Do remember the saying, “God helps those who help themselves”. Let us help ourselves first and then only we can help others around us. I feel it’s true to say that “God prevents those who prevent themselves”. The pandemic will win over us and over humanity. Lets prevent ourselves because that is the only way we can prevent our family, our neighbor, our society and our country. Worst case is, the infection does not come with a cure. It’s all on us.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of this organisation.